The course will run for 8 sessions and will be packed full of info, tips and tricks. The cost per student for the 8 sessions will be $280. We will meet for lessons, editing and photo review in a community room. Every other session will be at a shooting location, to be determined.
This is a comprehensive course that goes into detail about how to use the camera properly, how to make a correct exposure, how to create an image with successful composition, and so much more. Students will go through the whole process on guided photography shoots on location, uploading images and editing. Your student should have a digital camera, either point and shoot or DSLR and a laptop. The course will conclude with a printed portfolio of photographs created during the sessions.
When: Thursdays 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, 8 sessions
Where: Community Room + shooting locations TBD
What to bring: a digital camera (point and shoot or DSLR) and a laptop
Cost: $280
To sign up, contact me at or 574-213-5175
What are the parent’s saying?
Student -Justin
Krista has such a passion to work with your children and to help them find themselves through the lens of a camera! Krista has a passion to demonstrate techniques and is full of grand ideas! - Kathy
Student- Cinnamon